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Prior to the development of Alcoholics Anonymous there was little recovery for those who suffered from alcoholism and other addictions. In AA, however, those with addiction problems found a program of recovery that worked. Over time, the principles of AA have been applied to other addictions with significant success. As a result, there are several 12-step programs for compulsive sexual behaviors.

In many ways recovery from significant compulsive sexual behaviors can be more difficult than recovering from some of the other addictions, with the heavy prevalence of sexual abuse in the backgrounds of CSBD being one critical reason. In addition, CSBD fundamentally involves a problem with intimacy, something important for successful recovery.

12-step meetings offer the person with CSBD a means of social support that helps break isolation and lessen paralyzing feelings of shame. They also offer an opportunity for nonjudgmental accountability that can strengthen ones commitment to recover and to live with more day-to-day honesty and integrity. 
The meetings have their shortfalls, of course, as surely as do the individuals who attend them. Also, at any one point some meetings are going to be “better” than others. One cannot not expect perfection from meetings. 

Clients often ask about whether both 12-step meetings and psychotherapy are needed, or if one replaces the other. For many with CSBD, meetings alone are not going to be adequate for recovery, just as psychotherapy is typically not enough by itself for recovery. Research has indicated that it is important to include a period of psychotherapy with a therapist who is competent working with compulsive sexual behaviors.

The 12-step meetings listed below can have differences in philosophy or membership at times. Sexaholics Anonymous, for example, is more specific about what behaviors are acceptable for sex addicts. Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous makes a special point of addressing “love addiction” as well as sex addiction, though all of the meetings address love addiction to some extent. To find out about meetings in your area, visit the websites below:


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